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Documentary series

5 Episodes X 50 min

KAN Israeli Public Broadcasting Corp

Director: Anat Zeltser

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A historical and topical journey to the secular ideology, from the moment it entered our world, through the historical processes it went through, to the turbulent contemporary struggles in which it is involved.


Secularism is self-evident. Like air it is transparent, and surrounds us from all sides. We hardly feel it even though the Israeli identity is fundamentally linked to it. Secularism is a worldview and ideology that fundamentally shapes the reality of our lives. Secularism placed man at the center and changed man's perception of himself and the powers he assumes for himself; Among other things, it inspired the pursuit of happiness and self-realization, freedom of thought, courage to explore and know, skepticism, science, technology, and discoveries. The introduction of a scale of values of equality, freedom, human rights, and democracy.

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